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Florida Leads Nation in Opioid Lawsuits Against Physicians

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on April 4, 2023

This may no longer be true, but as of 2019, the State of Florida accounted for nearly 25% of all opioid prosecutions filed against physicians. Such cases involved allegations of drug trafficking, fraud, medical malpractice, and even manslaughter in the cases of patient death. Of those, doctors were convicted of drug trafficking more often than any other […]

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Doctor Convicted Of Opioid Charges Pins Hopes On SCOTUS Ruling

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on March 28, 2023

An Oklahoma doctor facing charges of unlawfully operating a “pill mill” decided to fight the charges at trial as opposed to accepting a plea after the Supreme Court raised the bar in lawsuits against doctors charged with opioid violations. According to the new rule, prosecutors must not only establish that the prescription was medically unnecessary, […]

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CARES Act Fraud Leads To 4-Year Jail Sentence For Georgia Woman

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on March 21, 2023

Congress passed the CARES Act in March 2020 as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other provisions, the CARES Act directed the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to issue eligible businesses Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to help them cover their payroll and other business obligations during the pandemic. This, in turn, has led […]

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How Florida’s “Offer of Settlement Statute” Can Affect Settling Your Personal Injury Claim

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on March 7, 2023

As a general rule in Florida, each side in a civil lawsuit is responsible for paying their own legal fees and court costs. So even if you successfully sue someone, they are not then obligated to pay your attorney fees. There is, however, a critical exception known as the offer of settlement statute. This statute provides […]

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Know Your Fifth Amendment Rights If You Are Suspected Of COVID Fraud

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on February 28, 2023

The U.S. Department of Justice has been quite active in pursuing suspected cases of COVID-19 fraud. This includes individuals and businesses accused of misusing funds distributed under the CARES Act, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL). Indeed, many people who took out such loans may now be surprised to learn they are facing potential […]

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Can You Go To Jail For Copyright Infringement?

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on February 21, 2023

Just about any written or audiovisual work created today is protected by copyright. The basic principle of copyright is simple: The creator–or someone who acquires the copyright from the creator–has the right to decide when and where their work may be republished or reproduced. Anyone who copies the work without permission commits copyright infringement. Now, copyright […]

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Premises Liability And Auto Accidents

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on February 14, 2023

While auto accidents are often the result of driver negligence, there may be other factors involved as well. For instance, an accident may be the result of a poorly maintained road or a hazard created by some other form of third-party negligence. Such scenarios may enable an injured driver to seek compensation under what is […]

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New York Pain Doctor Facing Second-Degree Murder Charges

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on February 7, 2023

A New York pain doctor is facing five counts of second-degree murder and six counts of reckless endangerment after ignoring repeated warnings to stop prescribing opioids in such high doses. Authorities say that five of his patients OD’d on their prescriptions and several more were in danger of doing the same. All of his patients […]

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Florida Legislator Resigns After Indictment On CARES Act Fraud Charges

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on January 31, 2023

The CARES Act provided COVID-19 relief to many Florida businesses to help them in staying afloat during the pandemic. For example, the Small Business Administration offered Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to small businesses, agricultural cooperatives, and private nonprofit organizations that struggled to meet their payroll expenses during the initial lockdown periods. These loans were […]

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What Is The Difference Between “Conversion” And “Civil Theft”?

By trombleyhanesl | Posted on January 24, 2023

If someone has money that belongs to you and they keep it for themselves, is that “theft”? The legal answer to this question is trickier than you might think. While the average person would probably consider it theft, that word also has a very specific definition in civil and criminal law. Is Sending a Customer […]

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